
【Mylan】TAFICITA|仿制达可辉Descovy|恩曲他滨替诺福韦片 200mg/25mg(30片)


二合一PrEP药物|恩曲他滨替诺福韦片 200mg/25mg(30片)


Descovy is a prescription medicine approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the following uses:


To treat HIV infection


In adults and children who weigh at least 77 lb (35 kg), in combination with other HIV medicines.

用于体重至少 77 磅(35 千克)的成人和儿童,与其他 HIV 药物联合使用。

In children who weigh at least 31 lb (14 kg) and less than 77 lb (35 kg), in combination with certain other HIV medicines. A health care provider will determine which other HIV medicines can be used with Descovy.

体重至少 31 磅(14 千克)但小于 77 磅(35 千克)的儿童,与其他某些 HIV 药物联合使用。医护人员将决定哪些其他 HIV 药物可与达可辉(印度仿制药商品名:TAFICITA)合用。

For HIV PrEP to reduce the risk of HIV infection in adults and adolescents who weigh at least 77 lb (35 kg), are HIV negative, and are at risk of getting HIV from sex. Descovy for PrEP is not approved for use in people born female (assigned female at birth) who are at risk of getting HIV infection from receptive vaginal sex, because this use has not been studied in clinical trials. Descovy for PrEP should always be used in combination with safer sex practices, such as using condoms, to prevent other sexually transmitted infections.

用于 HIV PrEP,以降低体重至少 77 磅(35 千克)、HIV 阴性且有通过性行为感染 HIV 风险的成人和青少年感染 HIV 的风险。用于 PrEP 的达可辉(印度仿制药商品名:TAFICITA)未被批准用于因接受性阴道性交而有感染 HIV 风险的先天性女性(出生时被指定为女性),因为这种用途尚未经过临床试验研究。用于 PrEP 的达可辉(印度仿制药商品名:TAFICITA)应始终与使用安全套等安全性行为结合使用,以预防其他性传播感染。

Descovy contains two different medicines: emtricitabine and tenofovir alafenamide.


For more information on the use of Descovy in people with HIV, please refer to the Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in Adults and Adolescents with HIV and the Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in Pediatric HIV Infection.

有关在 HIV 感染者中使用达可辉(印度仿制药商品名:TAFICITA)的更多信息,请参阅《成人和青少年 HIV 感染者抗逆转录病毒药物使用指南》和《儿科 HIV 感染者抗逆转录病毒药物使用指南》。

For more information about HIV PrEP, including information on who should consider using PrEP, please read the HIVinfo fact sheet on PrEP.

欲了解更多有关艾滋病 PrEP 的信息,包括哪些人应该考虑使用 PrEP,请阅读 HIVinfo 关于 PrEP 的概况介绍。

HIV medicines cannot cure HIV/AIDS, but taking HIV medicines every day helps people with HIV live longer, healthier lives. When used as treatment, HIV medicines also reduce the risk of HIV transmission. Whether you are taking Descovy for HIV prevention or for HIV treatment (in combination with other HIV medicines), do not cut down on, skip, or stop taking your HIV medicine(s) unless your health care provider tells you to.

艾滋病病毒药物不能治愈艾滋病病毒/艾滋病,但每天服用艾滋病病毒药物有助于艾滋病病毒感染者活得更长、更健康。在治疗过程中,艾滋病药物还能降低艾滋病传播的风险。无论您是为了预防 HIV 还是为了治疗 HIV(与其他 HIV 药物联合使用)而服用达可辉(印度仿制药商品名:TAFICITA),除非您的医护人员告诉您,否则请勿减少、跳过或停止服用 HIV 药物。

重量 0.5 公斤
尺寸 10 × 10 × 10 厘米








